Friday, May 24, 2019


So i haven't written as much as i would want to.
I've been having medical problems and they make me pretty tired and king of depressed..from being always tired.

So i haven't watched as many movies as i usually do. Instead i'm drowning in asian dramas..kdramas cdramams jdramas name it.
I even started a facebook group for Quebec fans of dramas in the hopes of not veing the only wacko out there who uses dramas to escape haha

I will be going to the theatre to catch John Wick 3 tomorrow so i'm pretty stoked about this.

I will be finally able to get to my doctor on june 6th and after that things should start to get back to normal :)

I am working on a list of movies for my Halloween count down. I will stat this towards the end of the summer i think... pondering when because of the fantasia film fest.

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