Friday, May 24, 2019


So i haven't written as much as i would want to.
I've been having medical problems and they make me pretty tired and king of depressed..from being always tired.

So i haven't watched as many movies as i usually do. Instead i'm drowning in asian dramas..kdramas cdramams jdramas name it.
I even started a facebook group for Quebec fans of dramas in the hopes of not veing the only wacko out there who uses dramas to escape haha

I will be going to the theatre to catch John Wick 3 tomorrow so i'm pretty stoked about this.

I will be finally able to get to my doctor on june 6th and after that things should start to get back to normal :)

I am working on a list of movies for my Halloween count down. I will stat this towards the end of the summer i think... pondering when because of the fantasia film fest.

Monday, April 1, 2019

Real life AnnaLynne McCord right now

First off , not really AnnaLynne McCord in terms of hotness. My mom bod confirms that it's not the reference i am going for here. I spent part of the weekend thinking about Excision. Why?? oh comes the TMI part of this post. I am in that time in life where my menstruations are completely nuts. I am getting close to perimenopausal or something like that. This period apparently lasts for most of our 40s. Anyways, I am having my periods right now and they are so insane , it is a straight up gore show. At one point during the weekend it got so heavy that i didn't know what to do because i was going through pads and wearing double pads too. So i got tampons. At 39 years of age , ladies and grossed out gents, i had to figure out how to wear tampons because i have never used those before. Also , since i usually Don't have that big of a flow i actually use reusable pads so..imagine how lost i was. Reading the little pamphlet after buying some, based on researched done online..because of course..being a total newbie in this day and age means running straight to google and reading everything you find haha So this leads me to the movie. I had seen this movie at the Fantasia film fest premiere in Montreal a few years ago and they had given us funny bloody tampon props. The movie is a weird coming of age tale with AnnaLynne McCord and she is Absolutely amazing in this movie. And i can't rave enough over the performance given by Traci lords too. She kind of reminded me of my mother to be honest. Fear not, me and my mom have a great relationship now but when i was a teen it was..weird..not sure what it was...i left home right out of highschool too so… It's monday so i get carried away babbling. I always do but i feel that i do it more when i am tired. With all of that said , i recommend this movie. I highly recommend it even if it's not for everyone because i feel like it needs to be seen more. Go in with an open mind. That's all for me for today. i am going back to bleeding and working and cravings (those damn cravings are the death of me)

Friday, March 29, 2019

Back from the surburbs and mini van

So. Let's give this blogging thing a go again. When i was last updating this ,it seems like a lifetime ago..and it's really what it is. Since then i went from being just another movie addict misfit who parties too much to a mom. Yes. a mom. Back then i was sort of on the verge of dating someone. Another movie addict just like me. Since then we have moved together and moved from one city to another and finally settled down in his hometown. And we have a son who just started school this year. So i said : a lifetime. Still passionate about movies , i have a letterboxd i keep going and i will share the link of course. I still collect movies, the only difference now is that we are 2 (me and the fiancĂ©) so it means the collection got quite massive over the years. So of course a lot of my blogging will be movie oriented but i think i also want to incorporate every day stuff. I'm on the verge of turning 40 and i feel the full force of the tsunami aka my own middle-age crisis , coming straight to hit me in the face. And i guess if i can write down it might help me make sense of it all. And who know, maybe by sending it out there in the universe ,this will reach someone out there who's going through life and , like me, wonders … Why am i always tired?? why do i fall asleep no matter how good the movie is if we're on a week night?? hahaha BTW if any of you guys out there got a real good trick or tip for tired eyes.. hit me up haha I find myself going to the movies during the afternoon on weekends when i want to see horror movies because *shakes fists* those damn teenagers making too much noise and ruining the movie!!! hahaha yesss this is where we are right now i guess. I also still go to the Fantasia film fest EVERY YEAR and this year will be no exception and i will gladly post all about it and also add pictures and reviews and links to my ever trusty letterboxd (as mentionned before but still want to mention it again because it's my fave app..yes i may be almost 40 but sometimes my brain functions like a 21 yrs old OMG smiley face and all) So excuse all the typos and the long ass back story on me coming back to my old blog. So here is what you need to know about what is coming up in the futur.. lots about movies family life but mostly family life with autism. My son is autistic and I've come to realise that talking about it and making light of certain things is very therapeutic. Don't worry nothing too heavy or depressing haha K everything. wait what ?? yes. Kdramas Kpop korean movies. because this is my happy place. Watching kdramas and then when i'm struggling at my office job i low key whisper to my self ''you got this. Fighting!' and put kpop music and life is better. movies..oh i already said that one...but yah..movies. hahaha random things. like super random. because i have borderline personnality disorder and i get real awkward really fast. and i get random. So i think that pretty much does it for this post. did anyone read it?? either way.. FIGHTING! let's do this!!!