Tuesday, May 31, 2011
#153. C.H.U.D. (1984, Douglas Cheek)
Today is one of those day where i got shit dumped on me as i woke up..at 5 fucking a.m.
So naturally i won't write much because i feel like stabbing someone in the eye.
Monday, May 30, 2011
154. Demon Seed (1977, Donald Cammell)
Today,I've chosen a movie that everyone and their mothers know.It's a great movie that carries a fantastic story,and as you know that story has been used since then (like in the Simpsons for example)and a lot of people know the story but haven't watched the movie. you should! i promise you it's really great!!!!
Today,I've chosen a movie that everyone and their mothers know.It's a great movie that carries a fantastic story,and as you know that story has been used since then (like in the Simpsons for example)and a lot of people know the story but haven't watched the movie. you should! i promise you it's really great!!!!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
155 days left before Halloween
#155: Flatliners (1990, Joel Schumacher)
Today i've chosen the movie Flatliners. I know it's not your typical "horror" movie but it's such a good movie with an excellent story and the whole idea of being haunted by all the traumatic shit that happened to you in your life,once you're dead, is so fucking scary..at least to me it is.
Last night i got a new tattoo.Gift from my sister.It's not relevant at all to the whole Halloween countdown but i still felt like sharing because my sister is the most awesome person in my life and i'm going through a lot and i think,along with my movies,my sister and my friends are the things that keep me going,always.
So that was my little emo moment for the day.And also something that could pass for an excuse\explanation as to why i might sometimes be confused or lost or not have much to say when i write.
But things will calm down eventually,they always do,and i'm going back to college in a few months and i will be able to post stuff i do\learn :)
Today i've chosen the movie Flatliners. I know it's not your typical "horror" movie but it's such a good movie with an excellent story and the whole idea of being haunted by all the traumatic shit that happened to you in your life,once you're dead, is so fucking scary..at least to me it is.
Last night i got a new tattoo.Gift from my sister.It's not relevant at all to the whole Halloween countdown but i still felt like sharing because my sister is the most awesome person in my life and i'm going through a lot and i think,along with my movies,my sister and my friends are the things that keep me going,always.
So that was my little emo moment for the day.And also something that could pass for an excuse\explanation as to why i might sometimes be confused or lost or not have much to say when i write.
But things will calm down eventually,they always do,and i'm going back to college in a few months and i will be able to post stuff i do\learn :)
Saturday, May 28, 2011
The Birds (1963, Alfred Hitchcock)
That movie is a classic,of course,everybody knows that but not everybody takes the time to watch these old movies anymore. I'm a huge Hitchcock fan,we owe him SO MUCH when it comes to movie as we know them today,not just horror flicks.He had a way with good stories and creating an atmosphere that reeled you in and kept you on edge while creeping you out all at the same time!
If you've never seen this movie,do yourself a favor and watch it!and if you have seen it,watch it again!
That movie is a classic,of course,everybody knows that but not everybody takes the time to watch these old movies anymore. I'm a huge Hitchcock fan,we owe him SO MUCH when it comes to movie as we know them today,not just horror flicks.He had a way with good stories and creating an atmosphere that reeled you in and kept you on edge while creeping you out all at the same time!
If you've never seen this movie,do yourself a favor and watch it!and if you have seen it,watch it again!
Friday, May 27, 2011
157. sur le seuil (2003, Éric Tessier)
i don't have a "real" trailer for the movie,and it's in french because it's a french Canadian movie but i really LOVE Patrick Senecal he's one of my favorite writer and i really think everyone should see this movie at least once! the movies is called "evil words" in english and it's really brilliant!!!
so here's the scene,even if you don't understand french watch it anyways because it's pretty cool :)
i also wanna take a brief to say HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY TO VINCENT PRICE!!!
yeah logically i should've posted a vincent price movie but i figured everyone will be posting his movies on their blogs and facebook pages and all that.
But he is on my mind today,he was one of the greatest,and everyone should watch at least one of hi movies today :)
so here's the scene,even if you don't understand french watch it anyways because it's pretty cool :)
i also wanna take a brief to say HAPPY 100TH BIRTHDAY TO VINCENT PRICE!!!
yeah logically i should've posted a vincent price movie but i figured everyone will be posting his movies on their blogs and facebook pages and all that.
But he is on my mind today,he was one of the greatest,and everyone should watch at least one of hi movies today :)
Thursday, May 26, 2011
158. Rumpelstiltskin (1995, Mark Jones)
Let me first start off by saying that his wasn't the movie i had on my list,and all the credit goes to my friend Steven because he's the one crazy enough to have remembered that movie! That guy,i shit you not,knows SO MUCH about horror it's fascinating! Every once in while,but not often enough,I'll have the good fortune to meet people that are fanatics of horror like i am. But never like this one!
I had totally forgotten about that movie!!! I'm pretty sure a whole bunch of you will see this and be like HOLY SHIT i sort of remember this haha! We can all be thankful the Brothers Grimm wrote weird ass story that later on were tons of fun to be put into horror movies!
I am now obsessed with getting a copy of this movie so i can bring it next time someone in my group of friends hosts a "cheesy horror night" party!!!
Let me first start off by saying that his wasn't the movie i had on my list,and all the credit goes to my friend Steven because he's the one crazy enough to have remembered that movie! That guy,i shit you not,knows SO MUCH about horror it's fascinating! Every once in while,but not often enough,I'll have the good fortune to meet people that are fanatics of horror like i am. But never like this one!
I had totally forgotten about that movie!!! I'm pretty sure a whole bunch of you will see this and be like HOLY SHIT i sort of remember this haha! We can all be thankful the Brothers Grimm wrote weird ass story that later on were tons of fun to be put into horror movies!
I am now obsessed with getting a copy of this movie so i can bring it next time someone in my group of friends hosts a "cheesy horror night" party!!!
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
159 days
159. Pumpkinhead (1989, Stan Winston)
Today,one of my favorite movies,in my top 5 for sure,the late Stan Winston's pumpkinhead. I was actually really upset when Stan Winston died in 2008.He was one of the great special fx masters and with pumpkinhead he had created one of the greatest looking monster i have ever seen!
I love everything about this movie and of course i have a tons of memories attached to them but my favorite is yet again with Camie whom i adore!!!
i remember i had just been through a breakup with my first boyfriend (that i had been with for 6yrs)and i just wanted to relax and do nothing,i was scared because i had been with the guy from the age of 16yrs old and even though the breakup was mostly mutual it was still very scary to find myself on my own for what felt like the first time ever.So her mom always made food..ALWAYS..it was great,and all we did all day was watch tv and eat.We watched pumpkinhead 1 and 2 in a row,ate like pigs,and to this day i still think it was a fucking great day!
I may seem like i live in the past because i carry all those good times in my head but i think it's mostly because when i'm having a hard time i like to pull one out and remind myself that things aren't always shitty..and it just so happens that all the best shit happens to me through my love for horror movies!
I'm doing this blog also to keep me busy,it calms me down.I'm going back to college after not setting foot in a "real" school for almost 11 years and i'll be honest,that is more scary than any monsters.By the time i finish this countdown i will hopefully be in the middle of my first semester and i will not have had a mental breakdown!!! Of course you don't have to read all the useless bullshit i write down,just watch the trailer,then get a urge to watch the movie and do it!:)

Today,one of my favorite movies,in my top 5 for sure,the late Stan Winston's pumpkinhead. I was actually really upset when Stan Winston died in 2008.He was one of the great special fx masters and with pumpkinhead he had created one of the greatest looking monster i have ever seen!
I love everything about this movie and of course i have a tons of memories attached to them but my favorite is yet again with Camie whom i adore!!!
i remember i had just been through a breakup with my first boyfriend (that i had been with for 6yrs)and i just wanted to relax and do nothing,i was scared because i had been with the guy from the age of 16yrs old and even though the breakup was mostly mutual it was still very scary to find myself on my own for what felt like the first time ever.So her mom always made food..ALWAYS..it was great,and all we did all day was watch tv and eat.We watched pumpkinhead 1 and 2 in a row,ate like pigs,and to this day i still think it was a fucking great day!
I may seem like i live in the past because i carry all those good times in my head but i think it's mostly because when i'm having a hard time i like to pull one out and remind myself that things aren't always shitty..and it just so happens that all the best shit happens to me through my love for horror movies!
I'm doing this blog also to keep me busy,it calms me down.I'm going back to college after not setting foot in a "real" school for almost 11 years and i'll be honest,that is more scary than any monsters.By the time i finish this countdown i will hopefully be in the middle of my first semester and i will not have had a mental breakdown!!! Of course you don't have to read all the useless bullshit i write down,just watch the trailer,then get a urge to watch the movie and do it!:)
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Near Dark (1987, Kathryn Bigelow)
Let me first start of by saying that i have no idea why my Monday post appears on Sunday with the other one.I'm sad the big week-end is finished.I bought a bunch of movies and also realized that i didn't need more than 20minutes to rank up a bill when there's a DVD\blu ray sale.
My choice for today is near dark.and i'll be honest: i have no clue why that one more than another one but i'll tell you this: it's a great movie!!! But i'm pretty sure i didn't even need to tell you guys this! Remember back in the 80s(and early 90s in my case-when i was old enough to be "allowed" to rent horror movies by myself) vampires were still considered monsters and they were badass!!! i remember a young me,renting that movie at the video store ,plaid shirt over GnR tshirt,ripped jeans,drinking pepsi clear(i liked it!i didn't want it to go away dammit!)watching this movie and not wanting the summer to be over because i was going to high school and it didn't really appeal to me.
All the horror movies i love have memories attached to them by the way. Probably because it's the genre of movies i watch\love the most.
Point is,Near Dark is a great movie!
i'm done rambling for today.
Let me first start of by saying that i have no idea why my Monday post appears on Sunday with the other one.I'm sad the big week-end is finished.I bought a bunch of movies and also realized that i didn't need more than 20minutes to rank up a bill when there's a DVD\blu ray sale.
My choice for today is near dark.and i'll be honest: i have no clue why that one more than another one but i'll tell you this: it's a great movie!!! But i'm pretty sure i didn't even need to tell you guys this! Remember back in the 80s(and early 90s in my case-when i was old enough to be "allowed" to rent horror movies by myself) vampires were still considered monsters and they were badass!!! i remember a young me,renting that movie at the video store ,plaid shirt over GnR tshirt,ripped jeans,drinking pepsi clear(i liked it!i didn't want it to go away dammit!)watching this movie and not wanting the summer to be over because i was going to high school and it didn't really appeal to me.
All the horror movies i love have memories attached to them by the way. Probably because it's the genre of movies i watch\love the most.
Point is,Near Dark is a great movie!
i'm done rambling for today.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
#161. Mulberry Street (2007, Jim Mickle)
watch this! it's a small tiny micro budget movie but it's still pretty good!
I'm not writing much because it's a big week-end and my brain is shut further off than usual.
i hope everybody who's on vacation is enjoying this free time\watching more movies time.
watch this! it's a small tiny micro budget movie but it's still pretty good!
I'm not writing much because it's a big week-end and my brain is shut further off than usual.
i hope everybody who's on vacation is enjoying this free time\watching more movies time.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
163 days before Halloween
Bird with the Crystal Plumage (1970, Dario Argento)
163 days left folks! Whenever i mention my countdown,people around me seem kinda sad. Mostly because when you are a normal human being (which i am not apparently) you go crazy for summer. So i guess,for all of you BbQ lovers,heat stroke fanatic and flip flop wearing freaks,i wish you a sweaty summer!
Today I've chosen Dario Argento's bird with the crystal plumage because i want to go out today,in the mobs of assholes at the mall,and buy the blu ray version.I also chose it because it's an awesome movie.it's a pretty good reason no?! ;)
163 days left folks! Whenever i mention my countdown,people around me seem kinda sad. Mostly because when you are a normal human being (which i am not apparently) you go crazy for summer. So i guess,for all of you BbQ lovers,heat stroke fanatic and flip flop wearing freaks,i wish you a sweaty summer!
Today I've chosen Dario Argento's bird with the crystal plumage because i want to go out today,in the mobs of assholes at the mall,and buy the blu ray version.I also chose it because it's an awesome movie.it's a pretty good reason no?! ;)
Friday, May 20, 2011
164 days before Halloween!
The Nest (1988,Terence H. Winkless)
Another gem from my childhood!!! And i remember how i always thought the cover looked so badass!!! I won't miss the videostore as we know them now,but remember the videostore back in the vhs days?!?!they were so cool and i remember one in particular in my town called Jumbo Video.It closed probably 15yrs ago or so. When you rented movies there they gave you pink popcorn and also every section was decorated to go with the the theme.For example the horror section was a room,kinda like the porn section,where you had to go into a more "private area" and it was all decorated like a haunted house with props everywhere and all!!!every time i went there i would gaze at that cover and my mom would say "ew!don't even think about it young lady!!!"and send me to the kids section that kinda looked like a playground... The 80s were bizarre.We hated them because everything was fluorescent and teased hair and such..but at the same time the cartoons were pretty badass,the movies were awesome and we had the best toys ever! Where are you skeletor castle that got lost in the sand pit at my cottage?!?!?!?!
I finally saw The Nest because it played on tv late at night and my extraordinary grandma ,to whom i owe my passion for horror , taped it and when we'd spend time at the cottage she would let me watch all the movies she had taped especially for me. I'd stare at the tv in awe while she knit and every once in a while she'd look over her glasses during the gruesome parts and be like "i hope you don't believe all that crap because it's FAKE!" and she'd giggle!!!
Another gem from my childhood!!! And i remember how i always thought the cover looked so badass!!! I won't miss the videostore as we know them now,but remember the videostore back in the vhs days?!?!they were so cool and i remember one in particular in my town called Jumbo Video.It closed probably 15yrs ago or so. When you rented movies there they gave you pink popcorn and also every section was decorated to go with the the theme.For example the horror section was a room,kinda like the porn section,where you had to go into a more "private area" and it was all decorated like a haunted house with props everywhere and all!!!every time i went there i would gaze at that cover and my mom would say "ew!don't even think about it young lady!!!"and send me to the kids section that kinda looked like a playground... The 80s were bizarre.We hated them because everything was fluorescent and teased hair and such..but at the same time the cartoons were pretty badass,the movies were awesome and we had the best toys ever! Where are you skeletor castle that got lost in the sand pit at my cottage?!?!?!?!
I finally saw The Nest because it played on tv late at night and my extraordinary grandma ,to whom i owe my passion for horror , taped it and when we'd spend time at the cottage she would let me watch all the movies she had taped especially for me. I'd stare at the tv in awe while she knit and every once in a while she'd look over her glasses during the gruesome parts and be like "i hope you don't believe all that crap because it's FAKE!" and she'd giggle!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011
165. Kill, Baby... Kill! (1966, Mario Bava)
aaah yes! Mario Bava!!!!!!! starring Erika Blanc that insanely beautiful Italian actress. It's been raining a lot lately and it seems like the perfect time to re-watch all those classic movies! I'm dreaming of cuddling up on a bed with tons of pillows and comforters and just watch movies until my eyes burns.
It's already Thursday,or like a friend of mine like to say "Friday junior" so it's okay if you stay up late tonight after work to watch movies,it's no big deal if you're a wee bit tired on Friday because if you're Canadian,chances are,you're also gonna get a 3 days week-end! yay!week-end+1!!!
the end.

aaah yes! Mario Bava!!!!!!! starring Erika Blanc that insanely beautiful Italian actress. It's been raining a lot lately and it seems like the perfect time to re-watch all those classic movies! I'm dreaming of cuddling up on a bed with tons of pillows and comforters and just watch movies until my eyes burns.
It's already Thursday,or like a friend of mine like to say "Friday junior" so it's okay if you stay up late tonight after work to watch movies,it's no big deal if you're a wee bit tired on Friday because if you're Canadian,chances are,you're also gonna get a 3 days week-end! yay!week-end+1!!!
the end.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
166 days left!
#166 What Lies Beneath (2000, Robert Zemeckis)
i love this movie!one of the top ghost stories!!! in my mind this goes in the same basket as poltergeist and insidious. and since i went ans saw insidious not to long ago,i'm in a ghost movie mood haha
i like are those movies are filled with jump scares moment and you can feel them coming but somehow by the time something pops out you still jump in your seat!
i hope everyone is having a frightful time watching tons good movies :)
i love this movie!one of the top ghost stories!!! in my mind this goes in the same basket as poltergeist and insidious. and since i went ans saw insidious not to long ago,i'm in a ghost movie mood haha
i like are those movies are filled with jump scares moment and you can feel them coming but somehow by the time something pops out you still jump in your seat!
i hope everyone is having a frightful time watching tons good movies :)
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
167 !!!
Today,in honor of my doctor's appointment i present to you:
#167. Dr.Giggles (1992,Manny Coto)
the Video is poor quality(kind of like Quebec's health system AH!) but it seems there isn't that many version of the trailer on youtube.
bless our "free" health system that costs me a fortune every year on my income taxes,at least now,since the pass few months and for the first time in 16 years i have a doctor! So i shall enjoy my very boring appointment and hopefully i don't have a singing tumor in my brain..because yes,if i ever have a tumor it'll be singing and wearing a straw hat.It's my story and i'm sticking to it.
(this is wear 50% of you nerdy guys out there went "it's not a tumaaaaah" in your heads...yeaaah i love all of you !)
ps:i know i sound like a lunatic..i actually hate going to the doctor and had a horrible night of pretend sleep.But being crazy makes everything more fun..wwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh
#167. Dr.Giggles (1992,Manny Coto)
the Video is poor quality(kind of like Quebec's health system AH!) but it seems there isn't that many version of the trailer on youtube.
bless our "free" health system that costs me a fortune every year on my income taxes,at least now,since the pass few months and for the first time in 16 years i have a doctor! So i shall enjoy my very boring appointment and hopefully i don't have a singing tumor in my brain..because yes,if i ever have a tumor it'll be singing and wearing a straw hat.It's my story and i'm sticking to it.
(this is wear 50% of you nerdy guys out there went "it's not a tumaaaaah" in your heads...yeaaah i love all of you !)
ps:i know i sound like a lunatic..i actually hate going to the doctor and had a horrible night of pretend sleep.But being crazy makes everything more fun..wwwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhh
Monday, May 16, 2011
168 days before Halloween!
The Dark Half (1993, George A. Romero)
it's Monday.i hate Mondays.hence why i don't really feel like writing much today.On a positive note,for the Canadians out there,next Monday will be Holiday for a lot of u out there!hurray! more movies time haha!~
it's Monday.i hate Mondays.hence why i don't really feel like writing much today.On a positive note,for the Canadians out there,next Monday will be Holiday for a lot of u out there!hurray! more movies time haha!~
Sunday, May 15, 2011
169 169 169 169 !!!
Nightbreed (1990, Clive Barker)
I love Clive Barker.There isn't anything i could say that hasn't been said already!!! Just spoil yourself today!it's Sunday and we all deserve it i'm sure!!!
Just put on your favorite old tshirt..you know what i mean..the one you've been holding on to for the past decade even if it has holes in it and barely passes for clothing , make yourself a yummy snack or 2 and watch this movie!
with your loved ones,your friends,or by yourself...whatever!
I'm gonna follow my own advice,put on that too big old cannibal corpse tshirt that's falling apart,an old pair of jogging pants and lie down on the couch and do nothing productive! just gonna let my brain rot away beautifully! awww Sunday i love you for letting me be lazy but i despise you for being the day before Monday.
I love Clive Barker.There isn't anything i could say that hasn't been said already!!! Just spoil yourself today!it's Sunday and we all deserve it i'm sure!!!
Just put on your favorite old tshirt..you know what i mean..the one you've been holding on to for the past decade even if it has holes in it and barely passes for clothing , make yourself a yummy snack or 2 and watch this movie!
with your loved ones,your friends,or by yourself...whatever!
I'm gonna follow my own advice,put on that too big old cannibal corpse tshirt that's falling apart,an old pair of jogging pants and lie down on the couch and do nothing productive! just gonna let my brain rot away beautifully! awww Sunday i love you for letting me be lazy but i despise you for being the day before Monday.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
170 days!!!
#170. Fright Night (1985, Tom Holland)
THIS is the real deal,forget the crappy remake and watch that one because it kicks ass! I have great memories of watching that movie with friends when i was a kid or later with Camie Chaos while eating our Saturday morning cheese eggs that her mom made..mmmm i want eggs..way to go on giving myself a craving haha :D
As i write this i am getting ready to go play bowling to raise money for the Canadian heart&stroke foundation. Why am i sharing this?! because we,the genre-fans,often look a bit odd to the outside world,we wear horror t-shirt,a lot of us have tattoos and such and we're often marginalized by society BUT the funny thing is,from what i've seen,most of my friends are big on doing "their part" for this society -- the same said society we kinda like but not really(and often the feeling is mutual).What drives us to be better "humans",better civilians?! i shall ponder upon this useless question while i bowl even if i do not know how to bowl !!!
i like to say I'm going to Boll heeeeeeehehehehehe that's what happens when you suffer from insomnia and have to get up early on a Saturday morning..i still want dead chicken babies with cheeeeese dammit! note to self:should do more grocery shopping,less movie watching on Friday nights.
THIS is the real deal,forget the crappy remake and watch that one because it kicks ass! I have great memories of watching that movie with friends when i was a kid or later with Camie Chaos while eating our Saturday morning cheese eggs that her mom made..mmmm i want eggs..way to go on giving myself a craving haha :D
As i write this i am getting ready to go play bowling to raise money for the Canadian heart&stroke foundation. Why am i sharing this?! because we,the genre-fans,often look a bit odd to the outside world,we wear horror t-shirt,a lot of us have tattoos and such and we're often marginalized by society BUT the funny thing is,from what i've seen,most of my friends are big on doing "their part" for this society -- the same said society we kinda like but not really(and often the feeling is mutual).What drives us to be better "humans",better civilians?! i shall ponder upon this useless question while i bowl even if i do not know how to bowl !!!
i like to say I'm going to Boll heeeeeeehehehehehe that's what happens when you suffer from insomnia and have to get up early on a Saturday morning..i still want dead chicken babies with cheeeeese dammit! note to self:should do more grocery shopping,less movie watching on Friday nights.
Friday, May 13, 2011
#171 !!!
obviously enough,since it's Friday the 13th, i have no choice but to go with Friday the 13th..the original NOT the horrible remake!
Why would Jason keep anyone alive?!?! it's all I'm gonna say about that because i do not wanna get into that and we hear more than enough about remakes. love them or hate them,watching the good old classic still feels like magic to me :)
I'm a kid all over again every time i watch those movies!
Friday 13th (1980,Sean S. Cunningham)
Halloween will be here in no time!!!.....yeah this is me and my wishful thinking because i don't like being all sweaty and hot and putting up with all the %^&@ douchy cars and their speeding while playing loud 'music' at all hours. woah..i feel like a grumpy old lady now..hahaha
ps: i forgot to mention a very big thank you to http://www.ottawahorror.com/ for mentionning my little blog on their page :) very cool!!! :)
Why would Jason keep anyone alive?!?! it's all I'm gonna say about that because i do not wanna get into that and we hear more than enough about remakes. love them or hate them,watching the good old classic still feels like magic to me :)
I'm a kid all over again every time i watch those movies!
Friday 13th (1980,Sean S. Cunningham)
Halloween will be here in no time!!!.....yeah this is me and my wishful thinking because i don't like being all sweaty and hot and putting up with all the %^&@ douchy cars and their speeding while playing loud 'music' at all hours. woah..i feel like a grumpy old lady now..hahaha
ps: i forgot to mention a very big thank you to http://www.ottawahorror.com/ for mentionning my little blog on their page :) very cool!!! :)
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Today,my choice is Phenomena (1985, Dario Argento)
it's a odd movie,but beautiful imagery,GREAT soundtrack and it's on my list of favorite Argento movies.
On a completely different note..when i start taking classes again,i will also post about that..but for now i'm sticking with teh halloween\horror movie thing :)

it's a odd movie,but beautiful imagery,GREAT soundtrack and it's on my list of favorite Argento movies.
On a completely different note..when i start taking classes again,i will also post about that..but for now i'm sticking with teh halloween\horror movie thing :)
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
#173 A l'interieur(2007,Alexandre Bustillo\Julien Maury)
So for today i had this movie on my list.Quite frankly i almost regret not posting it first to make it closer to last week-end's mother's day.
Especially since the new trend seems to be popping babies and talking about it relentlessly on facebook and other social networking sites,which is fine..to a certain degree. The two girls i know who had the most extraordinary births EVER are the only ones that don't seem to have to need to write every 2 minutes about every mundane details,they actually write interesting stuff and it's not obsessive like i said.
One of 'em gave birth so early it's a miracle the cute little thing survived!and the one one was pregnant but didn't know it and she gave birth alone,taken by surprised and all.
The others,the annoying ones,are acting like they bought a new purse. it's a child,not a new fashion accessory. anyways enough with the ranting haha it's barely 6am..wtf..onward with the trailer...
Especially since the new trend seems to be popping babies and talking about it relentlessly on facebook and other social networking sites,which is fine..to a certain degree. The two girls i know who had the most extraordinary births EVER are the only ones that don't seem to have to need to write every 2 minutes about every mundane details,they actually write interesting stuff and it's not obsessive like i said.
One of 'em gave birth so early it's a miracle the cute little thing survived!and the one one was pregnant but didn't know it and she gave birth alone,taken by surprised and all.
The others,the annoying ones,are acting like they bought a new purse. it's a child,not a new fashion accessory. anyways enough with the ranting haha it's barely 6am..wtf..onward with the trailer...
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
174 days left before Halloween!
So here's a little thing I'll be doing on my facebook page and i wanted to share here also :)
until Halloween,i will post a horror trailer everyday,a different one of course. why?! because i can and because i love horror and Halloween that much :)
i did neglect my blogger so i will admit I'm one day late i wanted to do a 175days countdown so here's what you miss yesterday:
#175-Castle Freak (1995,Stuart Gordon)
And for today i have:
#174-Wrestlemaniac\El mascarado massacre (2006,Jesse Baget)

until Halloween,i will post a horror trailer everyday,a different one of course. why?! because i can and because i love horror and Halloween that much :)
i did neglect my blogger so i will admit I'm one day late i wanted to do a 175days countdown so here's what you miss yesterday:
#175-Castle Freak (1995,Stuart Gordon)
And for today i have:
#174-Wrestlemaniac\El mascarado massacre (2006,Jesse Baget)
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